It’s the 21st century and powdered human milk is all the rage. Not powdered coffee, soup or cow’s milk, but powdered human milk. It sounds like an infant food tech revolution, but actually, it is at least over a century old. (…) The global comeback of powdered human milk is a story about gender, science and money.

Freeze-Dried Bodies. The Return of Powdered Human Milk, 3 Counter Mag. 15 (2021).


Les lactariums français. Le service public du lait de femme depuis 1936 [The French State and “Women’s Milk”: A Foray into the History of Milk Banks], in Allaiter. Histoire(s) et cultures d’une pratique [Breastfeeding. History and Culture of a Practice] (edited by Yasmina Foehr-Janssens, Véronique Dasen, Irene Maffi & Daniela Solfaroli Camillocci, Brepols Publishers, 2023).

Milk from Mars. Lab-Produced Human Milk and Its Regulation, 77 Food & Drug Law J. 6 (2022) (with Tanya Cassidy).

Lactation in Quarantine: The (In)visibility of Human Milk Feeding during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United States, Int’l Breastfeeding J. (2022) (with Corinne Botz).

Des nourrices au lactarium [From Wetnurses to Milk Banks], 338 Sciences Humaines 35 (July, 2021).

Freeze-Dried Bodies. The Return of Powdered Human Milk, 3 Counter Mag. 15 (2021).

Behind Moves to Regulate Breastmilk Trade Lies the Threat of a Corporate Takeover, The Conversation (May 27, 2021) (with Julie Smith & Tanya Cassidy).

The Invisible Lactation Labor Inside America’s Lactation Rooms, Time Magazine (May 7, 2021).

Is Online Breastfeeding a New Thing? How the Pandemic is Changing Everything and Nothing, Ms. Magazine (Jan. 26, 2021) (with Corine Botz).

The Right to Express Milk, 33 Yale J. L. & Feminism 47 (2021).

The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on North American Milk Banks, Maternal & Child Nutrition e13234 (2021) (with Tanya Cassidy).

Toward an Interspecies Right to Breastfeed, 26 Animal L. Rev. 1 (2020).

The Law of Placenta, 31 Yale J. L. & Feminism 337 (2020).

Should Human Milk Be Regulated?, 9 U.C. Irvine L. Rev. 557 (2019).

From Human Dairies to Milk Riders. A Visual History of Milk Banking in New York City, 1918-2018, 40 Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies 139 (2019) (with Hannah Ryan).

Regulating Milk. Women and Cows in France and the United States, 65 Am. J. Comp. L. 469 (2017).

Making Milk. The Past, Present and Future of Our Primary Food (co-edited with Yoriko Otomo, Bloomsbury, 2017).

The Lactating Man, in Making Milk. The Past, Present and Future of Our Primary Food 141 (Mathilde Cohen & Yoriko Otomo, eds, Bloomsbury, 2017).

Le lait humain est-il un aliment comme les autres? [Is Human Milk Just Another Food?], in Que manger ? Normes et pratiques alimentaires 70 (François Dubet, ed., Éditions La Découverte, 2017).


food law