Lactation is hard, time-sensitive work and childcare arrangements can fall through at the last minute.
Student parents face many challenges and should be supported in their journey in secondary and higher education. If you are an educator, an easy step you can take is adding parenting and lactation statements in your syllabus, along the lines of:
- If you are lactating and need to express milk, you should feel free to do so by taking a break or by expressing milk during class at your desk or station if convenient to them. If you need to nurse, you should feel free to bring your baby to class or to take a break for that purpose.
-If you need help accessing a fridge to store your milk while on campus please get in touch.
-If you have children and run into a childcare issue, your children are welcome to come to class with you.
A variation of this policy should be adopted for exams and tests, and be dispensed by educational institutions or independent professional or testing organizations.
For more on students’ lactating rights, see Mathilde Cohen, The Right to Express Milk, 33 Yale J. L. & Feminism 47 (2021) pages 97-99 and 104-105.